Category: Activities: Food

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"I have been in Denmark for just over 1 month at this point and have absolutely loved it so far" says Gabriel De Grandis on the Student Exchange Program. He describes the cultural difference, safety, variety of food, thought-provoking classes, and much more, while attending Copenhagen Business School in Copenhagen, Denmark.
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Are you getting ready to go to Milan, Italy on the Student Exchange Program? Alexa Forte got you covered to prepare to be a student at Bocconi University from the expected to unexpected. She goes in-depth about the cultural preparations, must-haves, eating times, the dress codes, and much more!
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Bella Myers has started her semester abroad on the Student Exchange Program! She shares her advice on the similarity and differences studying at Trinity College Dublin and living in Dublin, Ireland. She comments on getting around town, to classes, exams, and grades in a university in Europe.
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Can't decide on where to go on the Student Exchange Program? Well, Madison Kelly is here to tell you why you should go to Bocconi University in Milan, Italy. Business, fashion, food, culture, the university... there is an endless list to why she fell in love with Milan, and why she thinks you should go to Italy!
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While spending her semester at Ecole de Management Strasbourg in France, Anatarra Anandan took time traveling through the country of France. She shares her highlights of her weekend trip to one of these French cities, Nice. As a self proclaimed foodie and travel bug, Anatarra shred her expert advice on what you should eat/do while traveling in Nice.