Katie Anderson

Leadership Coach, Consultant, Author
KBJ Anderson Consulting

Katie Anderson is an internationally recognized leadership coach, consultant, and professional speaker best known for her focus on helping individuals and organizations lead with intention. She works with leaders at all levels and with organizations of all sizes to connect and align their purposes, processes, and practices to achieve higher levels of performance.

Katie is a lifelong learner whose career has traversed through roles in academia, consulting, and healthcare operations and process improvement. Prior to establishing her consulting practice, Katie held lean leadership roles at two prominent California-based healthcare systems, was a consultant for PwC Australia, and held academic research positions at the University of California San Francisco and the University of Sydney. She has deep expertise and experience leading and coaching change in a variety of industries, including healthcare, biotech, manufacturing, education, government, and information technology.

A California native, Katie has lived in five other countries – including the UK, Australia, and Japan – and leads regular study trips to Japan for leaders looking to deepen their knowledge of lean practices and Japanese culture. Katie holds a B.A. with honors from Stanford University and was a Fulbright Scholar in Australia, where she received her Master's degree in public health from Sydney University. Katie lives in the San Francisco Bay Area with her husband, two sons, nearly a dozen chickens and hundreds of daruma dolls. When she is not traveling around the world, you can find her in her backyard with her family, on a road bike traversing the hills of Northern California, or trying out new recipes in her kitchen.

Katie remains passionate about helping people around the world learn to lead and lead to learn. Katie’s first non-fiction book “Learning to Lead, Leading to Learn: Lessons from Toyota Leader Isao Yoshino on a Lifetime of Continuous Learning” was published in July 2020.