Winter Break in Miami
The month of December was full of ups and downs for us. We had our stressful finals week, where we gave in to our final push for the semester. There was a humongous amount of studying that we needed to get through, but we had a very lucrative incentive at the end of it. We had planned a trip to Miami.
I have been lucky to find a group of friends in my Fisher cohort who are avid travelers, just like myself. As finals week came to an end, we wasted no time starting to pack our bags and head off to the airport. The warm Miami weather was a welcome change from the freezing temperatures in Columbus. As an international student, the dramatic climate and cultural changes between these two places were what I found most intriguing. Miami was full of beaches and delicious seafood. After staying there for a couple of days and enjoying the sunrises and the occasional dips in the ocean, we headed down south to the Florida Keys.
The Keys were absolutely spectacular. We spent hours driving down the beautiful highways, surrounded on both sides by a panoramic view of the ocean. The combination of the crystal clear water, blue skies, and salty sea air was a spellbinding experience that we will never forget. We spent the evenings feeding the fish by the deck, evading foraging seagulls along the way. We also had a cruise trip planned for an evening where we sailed on a boat while spotting magnificent celebrity mansions. After a couple of days, we headed further to Keys West where we touched the bottommost point in the USA.
It was here that we realized that we are all so far away from home, but Fisher has brought us all together in a unique way, and I have formed some unbreakable bonds with amazing people. Our six day trip came to an end, and while it was an absolute joy, we had started missing Columbus and couldn’t wait for the new semester to get started.