Three Ways to Make the Most of Your Winter Break
With finals season starting and snow beginning to fall here in Central Ohio, it can be hard to believe that Winter Break is truly on the horizon. The fall semester seemed to pass in the blink of an eye. But, believe it or not, Winter Break is only a few short weeks away. These weeks are often spent with family, resting and recharging after the challenges of the fall semester. Here are three tips to help you to recharge over the coming Winter Break.
- Read - for fun!
Finding a great novel or biography to dive into can be a great way to rekindle a love for learning over the winter months. The snow here in Ohio can be a deterrent from spending much time outdoors. Reading a great book can be a wonderful way to adventure without leaving the comfort of your couch. One of my favorite ways to relax over the Winter break is to read as much as possible. Find a book that interests you, and get reading!
- Spend time with friends and family.
Whether you have cousins and relatives galore, or a few close friends as your chosen family, connecting with those that love is an important way to recharge. Take advantage of holidays or time off to spend time with those that love you best. Think of acts of kindness you can implement in their lives. Use this time off from classes to dedicate some time to doing good for those who supported you throughout the challenges of the previous semester.
- Give yourself time to breathe.
Though rewarding, the autumn semester of any graduate program is often exhausting for students. Though a great deal of time is given to family activities and preparations for the spring semester, it is vital to take time over the winter break to relax, and revitalize. Engage in your favorite hobbies, take up meditation, start journaling, or do whatever you can to bring yourself joy and peace. Do your best to dedicate time to yourself during this period of rest.
I hope that you have a wonderful holiday season, and that you enjoy the company of those you love. Happy resting!