To New Beginnings as a Fisher MBA Student!
I was positively anxious in the days leading up to MBA orientation. College was just such a huge pile of unknowns. I don’t think I was alone in being worried about starting college — it’s a big deal! Everyone knows that, which is why everyone and their uncle’s friend's veterinarian’s cousin has advice for people who are about to start college. I received countless bits of wisdom regarding starting college on the right foot, but I guess only experience can tell you what to do. So here I am to humbly share my experience while I complete my first month in Columbus as an MBA student at the Fisher College of Business.
Visiting a new place exposes you to the flavors of that world. You step into a new culture amidst the strangers who soon turn out to be your friends and family away from home.
Core teams at Fisher are a big deal. They are an opportunity to learn from others, fail safely, and ultimately, grow as a person, all while adding four new friends to your life. From the student's perspective, the process is straightforward. Our cohort is separated into small groups at the beginning of the Autumn semester and again at the Spring semester. From that point on, we do most class projects together. Simple!
During the first day of orientation, I was introduced to my core team, which honestly I would want to call the fabulous five! Well, I was excited since all the five of us came from very different walks of life. Our first group activity was zip lining; nothing could have been better! I got the chance to know my core team, which gave me a sense of security. As an international student, your cohort has a massive impact on your experience and the warm welcome given by the Fisher Full-Time MBA faculty ensured that we get the chance to interact and get to not only know our core team but also our cohort well. Three weeks into the program, we have had a number of group activities with our core team inside and outside the boundaries of the classroom and it gives a great feeling to be able to interact with such interesting and warm classmates! With this, I look forward to the rest of my journey in Fisher College of Business.