Remembering Your Purpose and Creating Your Vision
The beginning of the semester can be hectic and overwhelming. It’s easy to look at all of your syllabi and think it’s impossible to get through the entire semester with such a heavy course load. For some, including myself, it may be tough to come back to campus after you’ve been spending time with your family for the holidays. This experience was my first time moving 9 hours away from home, and coming back to school was very daunting at first. It was a challenge to find the spirit to get back to school. However, I had to remember my purpose at The Ohio State University. I had to take a step back and remember my goals for being in the Master of Human Resource Management (MHRM) program.
While scrolling on my social media timelines, I found many people starting off the year doing vision boards. The concept was fairly new to me as I had never heard of the idea. After being stuck in my apartment for a few days due to the snowstorm Landon, I decided to create my own vision board for the spring semester. I would highly recommend it to all students. It helped me become more motivated, organized in thinking about what I really want, and grounded in my goals for the semester. I look at my vision board as a daily reminder of why I’m a graduate student and what levels I want to move to next in my life. In the process of creating the board, I put on my favorite music and just reflected on why every picture had its own meaning. I’m a firm believer that if you can manifest your goals, they will surely come true. So, this session of time by myself helped me put the pieces of the puzzle together of developing confidence in achieving my goals and keeping pushing through this graduate journey.
5 Tips for Creating Your Vision Board
- Take the time to pick out pictures that truly have meaning to your purpose
- Pick a theme. Mine is titled, Dear Self: Focusing on Me
- Jam out to your favorite motivational music
- Do it alone or grab a group of friends, whichever you prefer
- Use it as a daily reminder, and most importantly, HAVE FUN!
Sometimes, as students, we get so wrapped in our assignments and due dates that we forget about ourselves in the process. It’s the simple things that keep me going!