MHRM Dream Team
During this finals season, I have really appreciated my cohort. We feel like a crew always encouraging each other to make it through. This first semester of grad school has been very challenging to say at the least. We were tasked with at least one group project in every class. Through the process, it was very hard getting used to working with others to make sure the final product was satisfactory to each member in the group. I found from this journey, group papers and projects would always be an obstacle. By working together as a cohort so much, I’ve learned that we are really one big team.
One of my favorite parts of the week is seeing us gather together in the Graduate Student Lounge. The time we spend together in the lounge is valuable as we discuss class material for the lecture of the night, internship opportunities, weekend plans or even just life in general. I appreciate these times where I get the opportunity to learn from my classmates in multiple ways. Being away from home, I knew it would be hard to build close friendships. However, with the MHRM program being located in the Fisher College of Business under its own separate wing, it was easy to draw to my cohort. I also get to see familiar faces every night in class which helps me be more comfortable with my surrounding environment. I look forward to building relationships with everyone over the course of our next two semesters together and possibly even for a lifetime.
One of my determining factors for choosing Ohio State was the amount of students coming from different backgrounds and experiences. Students coming from different majors can be very challenging when it comes to writing group papers or having group discussions. However, every day I'm learning that everyone has something different to offer and it provides a new perspective on the conversation. If it's hard to comprehend and I don't understand, that doesn't mean it's not meaningful or that I don't belong. It just simply shows how we all are growing and learning from each other through this journey. Now I'm living and truly gaining the value of being able to speak with individuals from all over the world and having different experiences than my own. It's a true blessing!
Together we will rock out our first finals season of grad school and help each other make it to the finish line of completing the program. We help each other grow individually and professionally. And that is what I enjoy about my cohort. In such little time, we are one big family. I couldn't be more thankful. They are the best! I’ve found where I belong at Fisher and I appreciate every moment of this opportunity.