How to Handle CPA + Class + Work
Every accounting majors know of the CPA exam. The daunting task of completing four less than fun exams within a set time period. It's something your work requires, and no one looks forward to it. For those of you who don't know much about the CPA exam, it stands for Certified Public Accountant and is a four part exam one must take in order to become a CPA. The CPA has four main sections, REG (Regulation), FAR (Financial Accounting and Reporting), AUD (Audit), and BEC (Business Environment and Concepts). In order to take the exam you have to register through your desired states, most of which have 120 credit hour requirements to sit, and from there you then need to request an NTS (Notice to Schedule) to actually schedule the section you wish to take. Once you pass one exam, an 18 month clock starts ticking and you must complete the remaining three within that time period or else your passed exam will expire. As they say, it's a marathon not a sprint.
Now, the goal is to knock these out as soon as you can in order to avoid having to study while working. I personally started studying in May of this year and was able to take and pass REG in July. This summer I also interned and worked a part time job, all while still working out five times a week. After REG I moved onto FAR and recently took FAR in October and also passed. I was in Masters classes, working part time and also still working out while doing so. My reason for pointing out my obligations is that the key to passing these exams is to make the time to sit and study.
I have three key tips that I want to share to help anyone else who has to study on top of other commitments. (Trust me, studying and taking the CPA during your Masters is a lot easier than while working).
- Carve out time to study every single day, I would recommend only giving yourself one day a week off or a half day. The CPA is a lot to learn and you tend to forget things quickly if you don't see it everyday. I would say chug through and try to only take a day off maximum. If you're really burnt out then two, but try to hop back on the wagon because there is so much content you are expected to know and taking days off can really hurt the memorization.
- Schedule the exam for a reasonable time frame for motivation. If you have a certain time you want to take the exam or an expectation of when you think that you will be ready, schedule the exam. You can always pay a fee and move it (or it's free if its more than 30 days out from your test date). I personally feel that once I know the exam is scheduled it's the extra motivation to study and really make sure you feel ready for test day.
- You are going to have to say no to events, people, and commitments. You are not going to be able to go out as much as your friends and you may miss a football game here or there, but you have to make sacrifices now so that you don't have to sacrifice time outside of a 40 hour work week once the real world starts. It's going to not be fun in the moment, but you will be so thankful once you pass your exams and are able to enjoy life again. Make time to see friends and have fun! You just have to recognize that you'll be having to prioritize the CPA above some social aspects until they are done.
Overall, the CPA is a daunting process and I will post my final thoughts on it after I take AUD and BEC this upcoming month. From one accounting student to another, start these and knock them out as early as you can. You will thank me later.