Leadership Tip of the Week: The Multitasking Myth

Leaders, quit multitasking and focus more.

Multitasking just means you will do a lot of things poorly or inefficiently. It is not a skill leaders should develop. Research actually reveals that the more you try to multitask, the worse you get at it. Focus is an underrated leadership attribute, especially as leaders are expected to do more with less. So instead of multitasking, leaders should develop their skills to quickly regain focus as they switch between tasks. Leaders perform much better when they are able to focus on the task at hand.

Improve your ability to focus by building routines, eliminating distractions and exercising.

  • Routines will help you focus. As you build routines, your body and mind are able to go into autopilot. This allows you to concentrate and maintain focus on more important things.
  • Eliminate all of those unwanted distractions. You hear this so often because it works. Put your phone in the desk drawer while you are working on that important project. That will eliminate that temptation to check social media or any other distraction preventing you from being productive.
  • Exercising helps. It clears your mind and improves your overall health. The benefits continue long after the exercise is complete.

I’ll state it again: Leaders, stop trying to multitask and start focusing this week. Trust me, your team will thank you for it.

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