Starting the Second Semester Right

January brings along the second semester of the MHRM program.  The beginning of new classes, with the expenses and stresses that this brings, can seem like a challenging time as a student.  However, there are a number of steps that students can take to start the spring semester off strong.  

  1. Have the right gear to face the winter weather.

Along with tests and projects, the spring semester often brings snow and low temperatures here in Columbus.  Students should ensure that they have winter coats, snow boots, and gloves to ensure that walks around campus are safe and warm. 

  1. Review your mistakes and missed opportunities from last semester.

Take the time to assess what went right and what went wrong last semester. Students should identify areas in which they can improve in school or their personal life.  If there were times in the fall semester when assignments were missed or tests were struggled through, it can be helpful to take time to assess the reasons why this struggle occurred.  A strong balance between work and personal life is essential to success as a student.  Ensuring that there is time for both of these aspects is important to making the spring semester better than the one before.

  1. Appreciate the moment.

Take time to enjoy the beauty of the winter snow.  Spend time with friends and family, or give them a call if they live far away.  Take a break to read a book or listen to your favorite music. Consider attending an Ohio State Winter Sports event, such as a basketball or hockey game. Ensure that hard work at school is matched with good times to relax and unwind.  

With these tips, students might be able to better adjust to the challenges of the Spring Semester.  Enjoy your second semester!