Tips for the CPA - AUD and BEC

As the second quarter has wrapped up, my CPA journey has as well. I started studying for the CPA in end of May/beginning of June of this year and I am so happy to say that I was able to finish them all before 2022. That was a goal of mine, to leave the CPA in 2021. I took REG, FAR, AUD, and finished with BEC. I recommend this order because REG is a healthy mix of both conceptual and mathematical questions, whereas FAR is mainly all math and AUD is all conceptual. BEC is its own thing, but I felt this order was very beneficial to me.

Some tips I have for AUD are to do as many multiple choice questions as possible as AUD is all about memorization. You have to understand and know all the concepts in order to apply them and by practicing numerous questions it becomes more engraved in your brain. I also recommend that you write down questions you missed and the correct answer to further instill it. It's also very short so I was able to knock it out in a little under three weeks, so if you want to take a shorter one AUD is a good test.

Tips for BEC are to practice the essays. The essays are unique to BEC and only BEC so I would recommend actually taking the practice essays throughout the test preparation you use so that you will be prepared. Also make sure that when studying you focus on IT as it is a very core subject that is prevalent throughout the exam. BEC has the highest pass rate too so I think it's a nice end game.

I am beyond excited that (hopefully) my CPA journey is done before 2022. I find out if I pass BEC on December 16th. My next blog post will be an entire overview of the CPA process and a more in depth review of what order to do it in.