Executive MBA

Negotiate for Employer Support

students sitting at a table

You're convinced, now let's convince your company.

An Executive MBA is an investment, both personally and financially. Many of our students are supported at least partially by their employer due to the wealth of knowledge and new ways of thinking the students bring back to the company.

Do your research

A great first step is to meet with your Human Resources department to see if there is already a formalized tuition reimbursement policy in place. Due to company tax incentives, more and more companies are providing this benefit to their employees. For example, if you’re an Ohio State University or Ohio State University Wexner Medical Center employee, you are eligible for a partial tuition reimbursement as long as your appointment is 75 percent or greater.

Gather support

If there’s not a formal tuition reimbursement policy, or if the policy isn’t going to cover the full amount, we suggest you first talk to your direct supervisor about your desire to pursue your Executive MBA at Ohio State. Although they may not be the one to approve the final spend, the classes will require you to step away from the office during the 17-month program, so you’ll need to be sure to have their support. 

When meeting with your supervisor, instead of mentioning first that you’ll be away from your desk, bring forward the benefits of you participating in this program: executive coaching to look into specific company hurdles, new ways of thinking based on cutting edge research, networking with other executives and industries, and more. The program is going to help you think beyond your current role. 

Once you have the support of your supervisor, work alongside them to navigate the correct channels for funding approval.

Tackle apprehensions

When meeting with your employer, they are sure to bring up their concerns. Whether that’s cost, schedule, or leaving once you complete the program, address these head on and reassure them that you’re willing to work with them through this process.

Invite them to speak with us

If you would like additional reinforcement regarding the benefits and outcomes for students who complete the Fisher Executive MBA program, we would be delighted to speak with your company’s decision makers directly. We have also had alumni and previous employer sponsors, speak with prospective employer sponsors to share their experience and return on investment. Please contact us below to set up an appointment.

Contact Us

From the moment students embark on their educational journey, through beyond graduation, our team is committed to providing support at every step. Please reach out to us so we can assist you.

Meet the Executive MBA Support Team